Why We Created MyStore NOW


With the current promotion going on, it seems like a good time to discuss exactly why we created the MyStore NOW product.  If you’re not familiar with this little gem, it’s what we see as the best means for ANY business to set up its own online store.  We worked to develop a system that allows us to deploy a full-featured site that can handle as many products as our clients would be selling.  So now, even a one-person, part-time home-based business as well as a regional retailer can quickly and efficiently begin selling online.  Not on an auction site, not as part of site with thousands or even millions of other users…but on their own domain with a store of their own.

And unlike some “free” sites and stores, MyStore NOW is fully customizable and scalable.  Since it’s your own store, you are free to do whatever you want with it, as long as it’s legal.  And we take steps to make sure that we give you the right hosting that will ensure that your site will always be up, no matter how many people visit it.  With our cloud hosting solutions, we can literally prepare for or respond to thousands and if need be, millions of visitors hitting your site simultaneously.

We see this product as a means for businesses and would be entrepreneurs all around the world to be able to open shop on the internet.  We say worldwide, because every hosting solution that we use has global reach and we can thus use servers that are close to your customer base.  If necessary, we can even set up local application and content delivery for every region of the world where you have customers.

For many of you, all these super capabilities would be nice if you grew, but for now the priority is in keeping fixed costs down.  And this is where MyStore NOW truly shines.  Because of its automated, cloud-based deployment, our developers can quickly and economically get your store running in as little as 15 minutes!  Which allows us to pass our low costs to you.

And if you need customization or any other features, we can easily upgrade your site,  its software, and database.  This gives you more capabilities, plus flexibility.  Plus we have the systems, staffing, and resources to develop any web capabilities you will need.   We can promote your business online and even make sure all your products be uploaded quickly and accurately.

We truly are committed to doing whatever we can to make your business establish a complete, powerful, and successful presence online.  And through MyStore NOW, we’ve made these goals attainable for everyone.

Learn more about MyStore NOW at:


About renelcampos

Banshee Cloud LLC co-founder and co-creator of The Ultimate Food App. Avid photographer and guy who likes to travel for fun and deals with traveling for business.

Posted on October 3, 2014, in Cloud Computing, Internet Marketing, Online Presence, Social Media, Websites. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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